Red List of to-be-threatened technologies

Red tech Background, history and useful links

Some technologies must go, for species to live!

Building a renewable, circular, planet-compatible and equitable future requires to scale green technologies. Simultaneously, technologies on this red list have to either go
Extinct (ex): no future in a renewable, equitable, sustainable world
Critically endangered (ce): may survive in niche applications
or have to
Mutate (mu): must transform to serve sustainability

This is an art project. The list is not intended to be a concrete agenda, but should provoke critical thinking and raise awareness. If you have any suggestions, additions or critique, direct it to contact(at)redtechlist(dot)life.

Less than 100 technologies have to-be-threatened with extinction for more than 40 000 species to survive

Sports car (ex)

Life is not exciting enough? You just volunteered for a peace keeping mission!

Attack helicopter (ex)

Make love, not CO2 (and war)

Cars (ce)

Public transport is just so much more efficient, and you can read a book or make new friends. For those few, who live so remote that a public transport system makes no sense environmentally, private cars will survive. Also they will be available for shared use. Just not to endanger life in cities and beyond.

Coal, oil and gas powerplants (ex)

Electricity can come so much more efficient from solar and wind; but we still need them during the transition to provide energy for building renwable energy infrastructure

Oil wells, coal mines, gas fields (mu)

Mutate for storing excess atmospheric carbon over geological timescales
(Picture source)

Single use packaging (ce)

Go to a shop and bring your own containers, whats so difficult about it? There may still be some special cases, e.g. for medicines, for it.

SUV (ex)

2 tonnes vehicle to transport 80 kilograms of live weight is just insane
(Picture source)

Golf courts (ex)

So much land, water, fertilizers, pesticides, energy, etc. so that a few rich snobs can have some pastime?
(Picture source)

Fighter jets (ex)

Carrying lots of amunition for some crazy men's dreams, fast and loud, they have to go to rest once and for all. The future needs cooperation, not an eye for an eye taktic of mutual disbelief.

Ski lifts (mu)

The snow is melting, but ski lifts can be put to use for urban transport
(Picture source)

Billboards, advertisements, marketing (mu)

In Earth overshoot, we don't need to stimulate demand but encorage reduction
(Banksy, Picture source)

Diamond mines (ex)

Girls best friends should be better from flesh and bones

Oil heating systems (ex)

Using a flame of >1000°C to heat water up to 60°C has just never been a wise idea; and because of the CO2 probems they created, there is simply no future for them

Diesel trains (mu)

Electrify, best with overhead lines

Wood fire (ce)

Who burns, wastes. Always.
But of course, sometimes it is nice to sit around a fire place and have a chat. It reminds us of our humble origins.

Atomic bombs (ex)

We know, they are a dead end.

Mass tourism (ex)

Anywhere is beutiful, but only if there are not too many to enjoy.

Uranium mines (ex)

There is more important stuff to mine now.

Nuclear power reactors (ex)

Risks of accidents, risks of proliferation, risks of terror attacks or war threats, and who knows where to store all this highly radioactive waste for >100 000 years?

Yachts (mu)

Convert them to sail ships for public overseas transport

Private jets (ex)

We can't afford the rich anyways

Industrial meat production (ex)

96% of all mammals on Earth are humans and our lifestock

Fresh strawberries in winter (ex)

We can very well do without; make some jam when they are in season

Snow canons (ex)

When there is no snow anymore, than this is our own fault

Diesel bus (mu)

The bus is not the problem, only its engine is. So through it out and fit an electric engine instead.

Internal combustion engine (ce)

Almost all uses of ICEs can be better achieved by electric motors. There may, however, still be the one or other case, where they may have some niche refuge, for example for biogas-to-electricity plants

Leaf blower (ex)

Leafs do fall since millions of years and refertilize the soil, but intelligent man (yes, masculine) thought he needs to cover the ground in asphalt and concrete and invent noisy stinky blowing machines to clear the annouying leaves away. Can we do better?

Lawnmower piston engine (ex)

Stinky, neighbour-anoying, insect-killing monster; better keep some sheep if you need a lawn.

Monocultures (ex)

Not good for the farmer, not good for the soil, not good for biodiversity, only good for big business (in the short term, of course)

Energy crop production (ex)

Feeding 10 billion people within the means of our deteriorating planet is already challenging enough, so use only what is left over from food production and not necessary for regenerating soils

Deforestation (ex)

We have eaten up enough land from the biosphere

Gold mines (ex)

Gold is not an essential element for society, but causes major environmental (and social) impacts

Synfuels (mu)

Synthetic fuels need just too much energy and are too valuable to be burned again. Use the same technologies to produce valuable materials out of atmospheric CO2.

Gas heating boilers (ex)

Using a flame of >1000°C to heat water up to 60°C has just never been a wise idea; and because of the CO2 probems they created, there is simply no future for them

Virtual reality (ce)

Better protect real life

Aircrafts (ex)

There is no real option to make them fly climate neutral, because burning anything, even H2, in the upper atmosphere has a climate heating effect.

Tanks (ex)